Saturday, October 5, 2024

True Health for life

 Good virtues

Life is about the integration of mind and body, when both travel on the right path, it gives you a better life. If you don't train your mind properly by taking care of your body only, or if you don't travel on the right path, you will have to face the consequences. The mind should be cultivated with good qualities, when the mind is calm, when the mind is happy, when all these cultivate virtues in you, then it is real, it can give peace.

Mind and Healthy

So, by keeping the body under control through exercises, you develop good qualities like love, affection, truth and sacrifice in the mind as well. A proverb says that the sky gives rain to a good man, so you should learn to live strong and healthy. Many swamis and sages have said that the strength of the body is determined by the strength of the mind, which will lead you on the right path.

Disciplined Mind

You have to acclimate yourself to live a true life of peace and harmony by integrating body and mind. Virtues have the power to make a country's best character, moral and truthful living. You should do proper and disciplined exercises that your body needs. All those who have reached a high place in life can only be those who have developed both body and mind.. Nature is ready to help a good person.

Everyone’s Duty

Each of you has a duty, that is, you have a duty to leave the factors on this earth to the following generations. Take your good qualities and morals and proper learning practices to the next generation so that they can make it a way of life.

To protect the future identity

You have to make way for them, that is your duty to this nature and future generations. Life doesn't end with you, it can be energy for you and your offspring and future generations, so you can pass this energy on to others. 

It is the imperative of time to preserve the future identity for posterity.

Happy Society

You must leave a true and faithful way of life to future generations, so that you can give them a good and true life, and only then can they live the good life that you have given them. Only then can this society live happily on earth for a long time with the desire to live based on truth, authenticity and true happiness.

Happy Safety.....

Monday, July 8, 2024

Health warning

Food and Water

All living things in the world need food, without food, there would be no life in the world. You should make a habit of eating healthy foods and they can give you a better lifestyle. According to Sage, the world cannot exist without water and if there is not enough water, human life becomes questionable. So drinking enough water for proper metabolism is mandatory for the human body in the moments he can live, so all human beings drink the required amount of water to avoid harm to the body.

Physical Activity

You should always learn to keep the mind pure and wear meditation, yoga, good knowledge, and good thinking as accessories. Over time your body and body composition will undergo various changes and to correct it you need to exercise enough to keep your body fit. Exercise is Not a one-day activity, it is a daily activity that you can do to keep yourself fit, and healthy. 

Healthy Life-Style

 Eating healthy food is also important for a healthy lifestyle. Eating a balanced diet rich in vitamins and minerals is essential for maintaining good health. Regular check-ups and check-ups are also important for detecting any health issues.

Mental Fitness

Times give us different experiences and trials, but we prepare ourselves to adjust accordingly to the psychological changes that may occur to us. In this world, each of you has many struggles, it is only important to face the challenges with great enthusiasm and courage. One very important thing is that you should learn to get enough sleep, which will leave you in a state of peace, happiness and relaxation, which will have a healing effect both mentally and physically. It is an effective way to stay fit and healthy and also helps to improve your overall well-being and reduces stress. Regular exercise can also help to improve your mood and energy levels.

Social Integration

Socially, you should develop good relations with your relatives or homes or neighbours. You will have the opportunity to handle and manage any type of emotional distress to create peaceful, positive and happy situations. Some of the bad habits that are out of your control are smoking, alcohol and drug addiction which can wreak havoc on your body and mind. Therefore, those who are in the habit of abusing themselves should quickly get rid of evil deeds.

Proper Care

 From time to time, we should take proper care of our body and take appropriate measures and take advice from the doctor to maintain our physical health. Sometimes by renewing our social ties and carrying on social relations we dispel our mental doubters and we engage ourselves in a variety of activities. By engaging and keeping our mind happy, we can live a long and peaceful life free from disease. We must preserve our mutual humanity by giving the gift of our love as a right.

Regular Health Updation

 It is the duty of each of us to get the knowledge and information necessary for their health and hygiene and to create a system for us to live a better, cleaner and healthier life.

Best Wishes for your Health…

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The essentials for better health

Human birth cannot be determined by them, it is determined by the Supreme Power, they should live without physical, mental, financial or relational defects, only then they can lead a better life on earth.

Fiscal stability 

As finance plays a role in the lifestyle of every human being, financial sustainability needs to be strengthened. Happiness, mental anguish and smooth flow of life depend on the economic status of each person. Financial stability can be achieved by establishing a good education, job and salary right from childhood. Lack of sufficient funds to survive leads to physical starvation and mental anguish. Hence, lack of financial stability results in unsatisfied physical needs and mental needs.

Stability in mental and emotional health

Success in anything we attempt is based on mental health and self-emotional control due to internal and external factors. The events around us should not influence us to react to the situation, we should learn to know the facts of the situation and control the reactions patiently. Survival on Earth requires better control over mental and emotional behaviour, which leads you to better control of behaviour and personal attitudes and values.

Physique & Food Control

Physical condition is essential for living on earth and one should be trained to perform various types of physical exercises depending on the interest we are dealing with. Diet is more important than exercise to keep the body disease-free, but that is not to say that exercise is not necessary. Both physical exercises and diet play an important role at the same time, you need to keep a schedule to exercise and have better food intake control.  Many doctors and elders recommend eating a nutritious diet and managing daily activities for the body and food intake.

Regular Exercise

You need to be active from morning to bed every day, being active leads to multi-tasking actively and positively. You can keep yourself active by doing regular exercise such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, i.e. Any activity that you like.  The purpose of exercise is to burn body calories and reduce unwanted fat, so plan daily exercise.

Best Relationship

It is good to have a good relationship with your friends, well-wishers, father or mother and anyone else who can share their valuable time with you. You need to communicate your feelings with them in the right way so that you can share your full feelings with them, so you will be psychologically free. It's a moment of happiness or a moment of sadness or a moment of anger, which should be shared with a good relative, which will lighten your soul and mind.

You should always consider the valuable points listed in the above reading, which will be very useful tips for those who want to manage their physical and mental health well.

Best wishes for good health…….

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Purpose of mind leads to Healthy

Live with faith

If there is a meaning to the life we ​​live, it is to live in faith. Life without faith is not beneficial to us, so learning to live with faith always is easy to say faith in a short word, but expressing with faith our thoughts bring this universal world. Wise men brought the whole world before our eyes with their thoughts. Therefore, human knowledge plays a major role in human race.

Life of light

A life without faith is like darkness, let a life of faith shine light in the darkness, so let that light guide us. By following that light we can reach greater light. Many times in life our knowledge keeps guiding us, but we don't listen to them. If we walk on the path of light we will surely find a good path.

Positive thoughts

A life of hopelessness can make us lose our peace, make us lose joy and serenity.

Let us remain steadfast in any situation, then choose the right path and walk confidently in the footsteps of light. A man of faith overcomes obstacles, knows the mountains ahead of him , and moves forward with courage.  Faith not only sees the pains in life but also overcomes the obstacles. Many scholars have said that our thoughts rule us, so we should directly change our thoughts into positive ones. 

Only then can we walk the path of light and find success.


Great potential

Life is full of many sufferings and many misfortunes, but these are our faith and positive thoughts that have the power to change them. When thought and action are united, there is great power, so combine our thought and action with positive thoughts and act.  Nature or God has given us a role in this world and it is up to us to live up to it.


We must create an environment where positive thoughts rule us. Human life is impermanent and stability should not be sought in them.

Many scriptures say that love is eternal and anything done with love is appreciated. They will give us eternal glory in this world, and a loving heart will be long-suffering, peaceful, and free from anger. All that is done by love is permanent, thinks no one wrong, speaks ill of no one, envies no one, and all the pains of life turn to us through light as our activity goes towards them. Although rough ideas may show short-term wins, they are not guaranteed wins for us.

Walk in harmony

This world is the world of living beings, and the purpose of mankind is to make them live in them, so the purpose of this human race is to keep living beings alive, not to stimulate thought and destroy them. It is in this world that man is also created, this world is not created by man. So the human race should learn to live in harmony with nature and avoid thinking of destroying nature.

Cultivate Mind

Many scholars have said that our thoughts rule us, so we should directly transform our thoughts into positive ones. It is not enough to train the body to live healthy, we are forced to train the mind as well. Mind training is about correcting our thoughts, then correcting the mind by cultivating the right thoughts and thereby strengthening the mind's frequency. Cultivating good virtues and becoming better in our mind, exercise and diet, we become stable, calm, happy and better.

Livelihood Thoughts

It is a common idea in many scriptures that one can attain a better and nobler life. Happiness in life is keeping our mind and body stable with positive thoughts, which means we should create life sustaining thoughts through love. Even this article is not written with intention to offend anyone, it is written based on thoughts based on mind and introspection. All these are written in good faith and with the intention of seeking knowledge.

Thought Occupies


Man's creative and destructive power is based on his thoughts. When the thoughts are positive, his actions also travel towards the true nature of life. That is, when his thoughts are negative, he can use his thinking skills to affect others or himself. So my opinion is that by correcting our thoughts, we can improve our ability to think and act and achieve better arrangements in the world.

Good Luck......

Friday, June 7, 2024

Training for Health

 Blooming memories

All of us in the world are good people and spend our lives thinking that living in faith is a good idea. Our thoughts touch us from youth to old age. As old age and blooming memories are always with us, we consider ourselves better. And in old age, we are living the old life without any effort despite suffering from disease. Regardless, we continue to travel and the medical experts correct us.

Consult Doctor

Our thinking also tells us to manipulate an ideology that can deceive us. If we see any symptoms we should immediately consult a doctor Good luck and I am bound to face many problems. We can cultivate our blossoming memories by grounding ourselves in others. If not, we can live our lives without encouragement.

Take remedial action

My friend is also a super hard worker who does nothing wrong and exercises daily. He was living a healthy life and suddenly suspected something wrong with his body. When the doctor said that you may also have this disease, after the examination, he suspected that he may also have this disease. He had to prepare himself a lot to fix it. As he tried to train his body more and more, it didn't work out in the end.

Right decision

After going to the doctor and taking medicine for the disease then it is believed that he got the right answer, solution and good result at the disease did not get better, he got an idea and tried to adjust the diet accordingly.  Having received the full benefits accordingly, he is now cured of all the diseases in his body and crawls very happily, majestically and gracefully. Life teaches us many lessons. Accordingly, we must correct ourselves and learn to live a better life without fear of the future. 

Prepare ourselves

As we have to move into the life of a distant destination, we have to prepare ourselves for a healthy journey in our life, otherwise, we have to face the benefits of the negatives. If we expect good results in life, we must train our mind and body with positive actions. Our mind and body are used to speed and intelligence at an early age, but in later years, we believe that the same speed and intelligence continue, but it is not true. With great hope and rectifying the defects possibly reach the objectives fixed in our mind.

Stay Healthy

Therefore, the art of living differs from person to person, according to experts, defects and obstacles should be removed and proper steps should be taken to stay healthy. So, to keep both body and mind healthy, we should learn to take precautions as early as possible.

Good Wishes.....

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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Plan stress-free Health

Bounden Duty

There are situations where we can believe that we have incarnated in this world to fulfil the duty given to us by Heaven. So from birth to death, we are bound to do our duty and in this context, we have to follow certain steps to make ourselves right. From waking up in the morning till going to bed in the evening, every job, bathing, drinking, eating, dressing, going to the office, checking files, and doing various tasks. In the office, then leaving for home, doing household chores.


Thus, when we are tempted by various tasks, we are truly disorganized. In this environment, if you sit down and think for a while and do some discipline, you should complete your daily tasks quickly and stress-free, There is a word for that in English called planning. So we can plan and organize our work every day and complete it smoothly. And planned work can relieve stress which is harmful to the body and mind.

Avoid confusion

Stress can make us unable to do many things and then we will suffer a lot because of them. A depressed person behaves abnormally, which is strange to a normal way of life. So, to avoid confusion in daily activities, it is better to have a planned daily schedule, which will remove obstacles faced in life and is a disciplined way to progress. 

Lead healthy life

Sometimes by taking what is in our mind to others and breaking it, we can get rid of many things that are stuck in our mind and through that we can find a peace and happiness within ourselves. By doing so we can achieve a stress free life in our mind and thus our mind and body will be healthy.

Lead healthy life….

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Thought determines health

Life Goal

We can keep o life high by keeping the things that we should in life. But many people think that we can live however we want. A systematic way of thinking gives us an idea of ​​the goal we need to achieve.

Proper care

Since God has given us a good mind and a good body, we must take proper care of them. Our thoughts determine our actions. So every day we should renew our thoughts into good thoughts and prepare ourselves to do good to mankind in life.

Humanity in Nature

It is a fact we know that when our mind and body work together, it gives us a great deal of energy, expression and benefit. Humanity is sustained by love, so how to direct your mind and focus on love is enough to do good to humanity in this life.


It is necessary to live on this earth by integrating the mind with positive thoughts and the body with proper training, only then can one serve this humanity better. All the creations of nature are created for the benefit of living beings and for the sustenance of living beings and therefore become useful to man and to living beings along with nature.

Fruitful life

The higher thoughts of the mind have the power to make us good and healthy, and with that power we must multiply the energy of our body and live healthily on earth. We must not grow weary of doing good, so we must change ourselves. As a tree bears its fruit, so we bear good.

Good Harvest

These are all thought provoking thoughts that keep the body and mind healthy, thereby forcing us to sow the seeds of positive thoughts. Love is the crutch of all these, and upon it we must prepare ourselves and refine our thoughts to do good.

Today's Thought.......

Monday, April 29, 2024

Human Health Awareness


Human life is complex and cannot be explained in a simple line. Because everyone on earth lives a different kind of life. Everyone's life is not the same and circumstances are different. As a human attains different experiences, that person's mood will also differ. Everyone should lead life successfully, only then they avoid the problems related to their life. The philosophy of the human mind is to manage life to prevent physical and mental discomfort. Better to know about the balancing of mind and body to lead to health-conscious benefits. 

Limitations of the body

With great faith, we lead a life with the idea that there should be no problem in the body, but by analyzing the condition of the body with a specialist, we get to know about the limitations of the body.  If we analyze the body completely, we will come to the opinion that there is no problem in our body. Sometimes some people are deluded into believing that they have no problem. Hence, it is essential to get opinions from experts.

Knowing the facts

Sometimes our beliefs prevent us from following an expert's opinion or getting an opinion. A mindset developed from childhood, with no problem with the body, may follow the same mindset after a few years of old age.  In such a situation, the conscious mind cannot accept the symptoms of the symptoms of the body. Because past experiences have developed the mind, it is unable to accept the present state.

Proper Treatment

Although there are regular exercisers, fewer people continue without any problems, but many will have some signs of complications. So, the problems are dealt with without any delay in health management, otherwise, they face the consequences. After the symptom is diagnosed, it should be treated with medicine.  Health is a great treasure for the entire humanity and we need to find it and maintain it for the long duration of our life. A person's values ​​are determined by that person's health, and that value may be more or less based on maintaining health. Therefore, all human beings need to maintain health for a better life.

Run  towards  health.......

Monday, April 22, 2024

Stable Health Forever


Civilized Man

In the beginning, the man was uneducated i.e. He lived as a layman who hunted animals for his stomach hunger and wandered in the forests. Eventually, his family lived in one place and met his daily needs. He acquired the ability to learn to improve human knowledge later on becoming a great teacher. Later he grew his food for a living and settled in one place to earn his living. To develop his knowledge and become a civilized man, physical labour gradually decreased and thus he lost his body's firmness.

Intellectual growth

As the days went by he became stronger intellectually and weaker physically. Later he lost the power of his body through various weaknesses, But intellectually he saw tremendous growth.  In other words, he is in a situation where he needs to strengthen his body, mature his mind and increase his intellectual capacity through training, which is what he has been doing during this period.


In this modern age, man has made many revolutions as part of his ability is concerned.  He is capable of devising revolutionary plans to determine his changes. Human knowledge has made great changes, and that knowledge has done great things. The change in geology can be caused by launching rockets and spacecraft from Earth into space. In the early days man tamed animals with poles, knives and axes, today he tames them with modern tools.

 Nature Mother

Mother Nature has created him with creative thinking power so every day he can make his knowledge revolution through accumulations of knowledge available through nature he makes. A cultured mind is capable of doing many comfortable things. So man is creative in today's age. So he multiplies old achievements and produces creative creations.


Our lifestyle determines our longevity. Therefore, in today's era, following the traditional methods of our ancestors and living in the shadow of knowledge is the most desired life We should prepare ourselves to enjoy. Life passes by very easily, so at those times, we try to strengthen ourselves and enhance our ability to live a better and happier life in life. 

Clean thoughts and actions

Keep the grace in the eyes and love in the heart and do our daily duties to excel and give to the one who has not and take it to the one who has and address the disability of others. We seem to think that it is the duty of time that we should follow it and make better changes in the world. So success in life is accomplished through our thoughts and actions. Activity and purpose determine whether we should be physically and mentally successful in life.

Your life is in your hands...

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Health is the beginning and end of life


Old time

Painting can only be done if there is a wall, so we have to protect our body and train and maintain it properly so that we can do what we can think of. In ancient times humans used to exercise and practice yoga to preserve their bodies so they lived longer on this earth and ate good nutritious food. 

A life of thoughts

Living is an Art Every human being has his own way of life based on the environment in which he grows up and preserves his way of life by the knowledge he gets from his elders. Our life is based on what our faith is deep in. Some scholars say that there are thoughts that are life. 

Positive thoughts

We can improve our thoughts by reading good books and we can also develop positive thoughts and that is what makes us special in life. We can improve our thoughts by reading good books and we can also develop positive thoughts and that is what makes us special in life. Sometimes when our mind is affected by some evil species, we report them to the divine power and free us from them and we can make our mind pure and happy with peace. 

The decision is in our hands

Many people go the wrong way thinking that life is meant to be lived and that they should enjoy everything that comes their way and do whatever they want without any restrictions. But the sages have said that good and evil have been set before you and whatever you take and use, you will eat the fruit of it.  

So if we practice moderation and determine what we should do and what we shouldn't do and live accordingly, we can avoid some of the harms we may experience in life.   

Health is our duty

We cannot protect our bodies by biting our minds. So mind and body must be protected together. Only then can we get the power of knowledge that we need and achieve a noble life in this world. Times and times wait for no one. They are doing their duties in a regular manner. The sun and the moon do not leave their duty. This universe is also doing its duty and there is no difference or variation in it. So by taking good care of our body and mind we can survive in this universe for a long time.  

A man of experience

 But every man thinks that death is not coming to him, but he can postpone death by taking good care of his mind and body. But death cannot be conquered so we must learn to live in health, happiness and peace while it is there. We should learn to do our duties by placing our burden on the Lord every day and that can give us a spiritual life that is better in life.


Therefore, health is in our hands, it does not happen by itself, we have to improve it and carry it throughout our life, only then it will be our stay.  Under this universe we can get the best benefits of life by keeping our body and mind well. By thanking this universe for this life we should live not only for ourselves but also for others and get a great result and that should be the aim of our life.

Best wishes for good health

True Health for life

  Good virtues Life is about the integration of mind and body, when both travel on the right path, it gives you a better life. If you don...