Love and affection lead to a healthy lifestyle
On earth, every human being lives based on expecting to be accepted by another living nature. Sometimes it may be another human being, but some people do show their love for the animals, birds or trees. It all depends on the mindset of the person who has been born and brought up in such a situation. The world is a place wherein an exchange of feelings takes place so that the relationship is maintained with humanity.
In Childhood days, we expect love and affection from our parents and grandparents and then having good affection with brothers and sisters. During the adult stage, an expectation of love from the girlfriend or boyfriend or lover. Hence, society is living everywhere with human relationships. These relationships look for a better understanding between themselves, otherwise, it becomes tragic one. Nature describes love and affection only is a universal phenomenon not only for humankind but also for other living beings.
To lead a healthy life, there is a necessity for the mind and physical to be healthy, both should be balanced in such a way that the inner and outer are strong. It should be moral and happy to be cultivated in satisfying the needs of the people so that a healthy mindset can be developed, it will give fruitful results in attaining a healthy lifestyle. Even though we live in a society healthy lifestyles can yield better results in maintaining peace and happiness throughout life. Many miseries of events happened on earth due to the unloving minds of the people. Strengthening muscles for physical fitness, but making love of heart for the human is to be strengthened.
A good life leads to better understanding among relatives, friends, parents, neighbours etc., and this is necessary to have faithful love exposition. Everywhere people are longing for love and affection, there is an expectation of reciprocity among one another. Inner man morale and happiness are to be safeguarded so that they can righteously expose love and affection, which significantly leads to a better understanding of love. There are some myths describing the fact that God created the world for loveable mankind. So love is the basis of the entire creation and is an energy source for progress.
The mankind to survive for longer and healthy, it should follow the natural phenomena of love. Love only develops mankind to progress further, since the entire world is being progressed due to love only. Whenever our heart is full of love and affection, it generates energy and also expands for progression, so mankind can live for a longer period of life full of happiness. Tamil saint and poet Thiruvalluvar described in his poetry of Thirukkural that “the loving person does have everything, but unloving person does not know even though he learnt many subjects”. Hence love is an essential element for the success of life. Hence, a successful life is a source of energy for the entire humanity to live stable and healthy.
All good and bad things are generated from human hearts, which gives life and death to humankind. To survive for a longer life good nature of a heart is an essential element, which keeps the heart healthy and prolongs the longer survival of human beings. Love never hates, rejects, ignores, enviously backbites, or rejects in any situation, but gives sacrifices, keeps patience, keeps silent, and accepts all. The entire world keeps on rotating based on the love that prevails everywhere, through the administration of God.