Tuesday, June 11, 2024

The essentials for better health

Human birth cannot be determined by them, it is determined by the Supreme Power, they should live without physical, mental, financial or relational defects, only then they can lead a better life on earth.

Fiscal stability 

As finance plays a role in the lifestyle of every human being, financial sustainability needs to be strengthened. Happiness, mental anguish and smooth flow of life depend on the economic status of each person. Financial stability can be achieved by establishing a good education, job and salary right from childhood. Lack of sufficient funds to survive leads to physical starvation and mental anguish. Hence, lack of financial stability results in unsatisfied physical needs and mental needs.

Stability in mental and emotional health

Success in anything we attempt is based on mental health and self-emotional control due to internal and external factors. The events around us should not influence us to react to the situation, we should learn to know the facts of the situation and control the reactions patiently. Survival on Earth requires better control over mental and emotional behaviour, which leads you to better control of behaviour and personal attitudes and values.

Physique & Food Control

Physical condition is essential for living on earth and one should be trained to perform various types of physical exercises depending on the interest we are dealing with. Diet is more important than exercise to keep the body disease-free, but that is not to say that exercise is not necessary. Both physical exercises and diet play an important role at the same time, you need to keep a schedule to exercise and have better food intake control.  Many doctors and elders recommend eating a nutritious diet and managing daily activities for the body and food intake.

Regular Exercise

You need to be active from morning to bed every day, being active leads to multi-tasking actively and positively. You can keep yourself active by doing regular exercise such as walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, i.e. Any activity that you like.  The purpose of exercise is to burn body calories and reduce unwanted fat, so plan daily exercise.

Best Relationship

It is good to have a good relationship with your friends, well-wishers, father or mother and anyone else who can share their valuable time with you. You need to communicate your feelings with them in the right way so that you can share your full feelings with them, so you will be psychologically free. It's a moment of happiness or a moment of sadness or a moment of anger, which should be shared with a good relative, which will lighten your soul and mind.

You should always consider the valuable points listed in the above reading, which will be very useful tips for those who want to manage their physical and mental health well.

Best wishes for good health…….

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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Purpose of mind leads to Healthy

Live with faith

If there is a meaning to the life we ​​live, it is to live in faith. Life without faith is not beneficial to us, so learning to live with faith always is easy to say faith in a short word, but expressing with faith our thoughts bring this universal world. Wise men brought the whole world before our eyes with their thoughts. Therefore, human knowledge plays a major role in human race.

Life of light

A life without faith is like darkness, let a life of faith shine light in the darkness, so let that light guide us. By following that light we can reach greater light. Many times in life our knowledge keeps guiding us, but we don't listen to them. If we walk on the path of light we will surely find a good path.

Positive thoughts

A life of hopelessness can make us lose our peace, make us lose joy and serenity.

Let us remain steadfast in any situation, then choose the right path and walk confidently in the footsteps of light. A man of faith overcomes obstacles, knows the mountains ahead of him , and moves forward with courage.  Faith not only sees the pains in life but also overcomes the obstacles. Many scholars have said that our thoughts rule us, so we should directly change our thoughts into positive ones. 

Only then can we walk the path of light and find success.


Great potential

Life is full of many sufferings and many misfortunes, but these are our faith and positive thoughts that have the power to change them. When thought and action are united, there is great power, so combine our thought and action with positive thoughts and act.  Nature or God has given us a role in this world and it is up to us to live up to it.


We must create an environment where positive thoughts rule us. Human life is impermanent and stability should not be sought in them.

Many scriptures say that love is eternal and anything done with love is appreciated. They will give us eternal glory in this world, and a loving heart will be long-suffering, peaceful, and free from anger. All that is done by love is permanent, thinks no one wrong, speaks ill of no one, envies no one, and all the pains of life turn to us through light as our activity goes towards them. Although rough ideas may show short-term wins, they are not guaranteed wins for us.

Walk in harmony

This world is the world of living beings, and the purpose of mankind is to make them live in them, so the purpose of this human race is to keep living beings alive, not to stimulatehttps://mi-onlineweb.blogspot.com/ thought and destroy them. It is in this world that manhttps://mi-onlineweb.blogspot.com/ is also created, this world is not created by man. So the human race should learn to live in harmony with nature and avoid thinking of destroying nature.

Cultivate Mind

Many scholars have said that our thoughts rule us, so we should directly transform our thoughts into positive ones. It is not enough to train the body to live healthy, we are forced to train the mind as well. Mind training is about correcting our thoughts, then correcting the mind by cultivating the right thoughts and thereby strengthening the mind's frequency. Cultivating good virtues and becoming better in our mind, exercise and diet, we become stable, calm, happy and better.

Livelihood Thoughts

It is a common idea in many scriptures that one can attain a better and nobler life. Happiness in life is keeping our mind and body stable with positive thoughts, which means we should create life sustaining thoughts through love. Even this article is not written with intention to offend anyone, it is written based on thoughts based on mind and introspection. All these are written in good faith and with the intention of seeking knowledge.

Thought Occupies


Man's creative and destructive power is based on his thoughts. When the thoughts are positive, his actions also travel towards the true nature of life. That is, when his thoughts are negative, he can use his thinking skills to affect others or himself. So my opinion is that by correcting our thoughts, we can improve our ability to think and act and achieve better arrangements in the world.

Good Luck......

Friday, June 7, 2024

Training for Health

 Blooming memories

All of us in the world are good people and spend our lives thinking that living in faith is a good idea. Our thoughts touch us from youth to old age. As old age and blooming memories are always with us, we consider ourselves better. And in old age, we are living the old life without any effort despite suffering from disease. Regardless, we continue to travel and the medical experts correct us.

Consult Doctor

Our thinking also tells us to manipulate an ideology that can deceive us. If we see any symptoms we should immediately consult a doctor Good luck and I am bound to face many problems. We can cultivate our blossoming memories by grounding ourselves in others. If not, we can live our lives without encouragement.

Take remedial action

My friend is also a super hard worker who does nothing wrong and exercises daily. He was living a healthy life and suddenly suspected something wrong with his body. When the doctor said that you may also have this disease, after the examination, he suspected that he may also have this disease. He had to prepare himself a lot to fix it. As he tried to train his body more and more, it didn't work out in the end.

Right decision

After going to the doctor and taking medicine for the disease then it is believed that he got the right answer, solution and good result at the disease did not get better, he got an idea and tried to adjust the diet accordingly.  Having received the full benefits accordingly, he is now cured of all the diseases in his body and crawls very happily, majestically and gracefully. Life teaches us many lessons. Accordingly, we must correct ourselves and learn to live a better life without fear of the future. 

Prepare ourselves

As we have to move into the life of a distant destination, we have to prepare ourselves for a healthy journey in our life, otherwise, we have to face the benefits of the negatives. If we expect good results in life, we must train our mind and body with positive actions. Our mind and body are used to speed and intelligence at an early age, but in later years, we believe that the same speed and intelligence continue, but it is not true. With great hope and rectifying the defects possibly reach the objectives fixed in our mind.

Stay Healthy

Therefore, the art of living differs from person to person, according to experts, defects and obstacles should be removed and proper steps should be taken to stay healthy. So, to keep both body and mind healthy, we should learn to take precautions as early as possible.

Good Wishes.....

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True Health for life

  Good virtues Life is about the integration of mind and body, when both travel on the right path, it gives you a better life. If you don...