Saturday, October 5, 2024

True Health for life

 Good virtues

Life is about the integration of mind and body, when both travel on the right path, it gives you a better life. If you don't train your mind properly by taking care of your body only, or if you don't travel on the right path, you will have to face the consequences. The mind should be cultivated with good qualities, when the mind is calm, when the mind is happy, when all these cultivate virtues in you, then it is real, it can give peace.

Mind and Healthy

So, by keeping the body under control through exercises, you develop good qualities like love, affection, truth and sacrifice in the mind as well. A proverb says that the sky gives rain to a good man, so you should learn to live strong and healthy. Many swamis and sages have said that the strength of the body is determined by the strength of the mind, which will lead you on the right path.

Disciplined Mind

You have to acclimate yourself to live a true life of peace and harmony by integrating body and mind. Virtues have the power to make a country's best character, moral and truthful living. You should do proper and disciplined exercises that your body needs. All those who have reached a high place in life can only be those who have developed both body and mind.. Nature is ready to help a good person.

Everyone’s Duty

Each of you has a duty, that is, you have a duty to leave the factors on this earth to the following generations. Take your good qualities and morals and proper learning practices to the next generation so that they can make it a way of life.

To protect the future identity

You have to make way for them, that is your duty to this nature and future generations. Life doesn't end with you, it can be energy for you and your offspring and future generations, so you can pass this energy on to others. 

It is the imperative of time to preserve the future identity for posterity.

Happy Society

You must leave a true and faithful way of life to future generations, so that you can give them a good and true life, and only then can they live the good life that you have given them. Only then can this society live happily on earth for a long time with the desire to live based on truth, authenticity and true happiness.

Happy Safety.....

True Health for life

  Good virtues Life is about the integration of mind and body, when both travel on the right path, it gives you a better life. If you don...